Is it harder to acquire a customer or to get to know an acquired customer deeply and to leverage those insights to serve and satisfy the unmet needs of the customer by offering existing solutions and products to them, thus maximizing revenue?
Customer’s existing non-sensitive demographic details are shared through an API or excel upload through a secured folder
KLookup “initiates” a graph technology powered recursive search through public and Karza proprietary records to enrich incremental data points that enable a boost for contactability.
Karza invoices you a minimum processing fee or success fee “for” the identified incremental information
The incremental information which is not the same as the demographic information shared by you is shared back through the API or secured folder.
Tracing saving/current account customers who are no longer contactable
Tracing delinquent “customers”, defaulter tracing and skip tracing borrowers
Tracing policyholders with matured policies with insurers with no recent contactability/banking details